18 December 2015

Christmas Party Day

It's Christmas Party Day here at Beighton. We have played lots of games, eaten lots of treats AND we've even had a special visitor!
Santa came to visit our Grotto and kindly brought every child a gift. He must have heard that our children have been very good this year.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a lovely holiday!
Mrs Reid 

11 December 2015

Thank you to all parents and carers for coming to see our afternoon Nursery Nativity performance. The children enjoyed dressing up and singing for you and all had fun.

8 December 2015

A Big 'Thank You'

Dear Parent/Carer,

My name is Danny Baker and I volunteer at the Gleadless Valley Foodbank.
I wanted to take time to say ‘Thanks a Million’ for all your gifts that I collected on Friday.
Eleven families have already benefited and toys have been sent to Father Christmas ready for his special delivery - many more will benefit over the next couple of weeks too.
Here at Foodbank we couldn’t believe the generosity of your school, you are all brilliant!

Hope you have a great Christmas everyone!
Thanks again,


These are just some of your gifts, WOW!

25 November 2015


In P.E we have been learning to move our bodies to music, following a beat and composing and performing a dance for our class! Here are some pictures and a video of our super dance moves!

19 November 2015

Kinetic Theatre

KS1 really enjoyed the performance of Bunsen Towers Mystery by the Kinetic Theatre on Tuesday. The show was very entertaining and funny and helped us to learn lots about solids, liquids and gases too. If you would like to share your favourite part, click on the post title to leave a comment! 

17 November 2015

Children In Need - Update

We have an update on Friday's total...

with additional donations that have 

arrived in school, the total now stands

at a fabulous £258.

Thank you

13 November 2015

Into the darkness!

This week we discovered a crashed space ship in our nursery yard! The children found a letter from the astronaut explaining what had happened and telling us all about his adventures in space. Following on from this we talked about how space is dark and explored darkness ourselves in the dark den. They enjoyed looking through a telescope and talking about what they could see in the sky. 

On Friday the children wore their Pudsey ears or made Pudsey ears of their own in Nursery. We baked Pudsey bear biscuits to take home. Yum! Yum!


21 October 2015

Harvest Festival

To mark 'World Food Day' we celebrated Harvest Festival at school. The children, parents and staff all kindly donated produce that we have given to a local food bank who feed families in Sheffield.
Thank you so much for your generosity!!!

20 October 2015

Active Travel Challenge

A big thank you to all who took part in our 10 day active travel challenge.  We hope you had fun joining in with it! All children who took part will be getting their certificates soon. A prize will also be on its way to children who also managed to do it for the full 10 days. 

The Beighton Characters of Effective Learning

Over the last few weeks you may have noticed a few new characters popping up around school.

These are 'The Beighton Characters of Effective Learning'.

This half term we have been thinking about good learning behaviours and the characteristics we need to develop in order to become successful, independent learners at Beighton.

If your child comes home with one of the 'Effective Learning Character Stickers' ask them to tell you about the fantastic learning behaviour they demonstrated at school to achieve it!

Well done Phoebe for your super writing of the three Billy Goats Gruff story.

30 September 2015

Beighton Bees go to Rother Valley

Our newly selected Beighton Bees had a fabulous time at our family of schools meet up at Rother Valley County Park.  The children went into different teams with other children from local schools and they took part in team building activities through the day.  Some of the fun activities included pulling a bucket from place to another only using skipping ropes, the amazing maze, parachute fun and crossing the swamp.  
The children were all very well behaved and I had a great time meeting and getting to know my new group of bees.  A big thank you also to the parent helpers who came along too. 
Mrs Challoner 

Active Travel Challenge

Who is going to join in with the 10 day Active Travel Challenge from 5th -16th October?  We will be giving stickers to children who come to school in an active way such as walking, running, skipping or even on bikes and scooters.  Children who manage to do this everyday will receive a special walk to school badge.  There are also prizes for schools in Sheffield with the highest numbers of children who join in.  Why not bring in a photograph of yourself coming to school in an active way?  We would love to see them. So come on everyone from Beighton Nursery Infant School, we need your help! 

21 September 2015

World's Biggest Coffee Morning - Macmillan Cancer Support

People across the UK are hosting a coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday. Due to events in school, we can't hold a coffee morning, so we're going to host an afternoon tea instead and would really like it if our parents could join us.

All the staff are going to be busy baking and we'll be selling our cakes from 3.15pm on Friday. We'd love parents to get involved in either (or both) of the following ways. Firstly, you could put on your aprons and help your children to bake us some lovely cakes for our staff to sell. Secondly, if you are able to, come and join us for afternoon tea on Friday. 

1 September 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school everyone! I hope that you have had a wonderful summer break.

I’d like to thank FOBBINS for funding our new Reception play area. Their fundraising throughout the year and the generosity of our parents has enabled us to build a lovely new area for the children to learn outside.

3 July 2015

Sports Day

We had such a fantastic time at Sports Day today. The Sports Leaders from Westfield School set up a range of sporting activities and taught us how to carry out each activity. We were really lucky with the weather too. Thank you to all the family members who came to cheer us on!
 What a super throw!
 Careful aiming!
 Yellow Class having a rest! Oh dear. They look exhausted. 
Super running! 

15 June 2015

New Reception Parents' Meeting

We will be holding a meeting at school on Wednesday 24th June to share important information for parents of children moving into Reception in September.

In the hope of accommodating parental commitments we have arranged two meetings, the first 9.45am and the other starting at 2pm.  The meetings should last no longer than an hour. 

At the meeting you will get the opportunity to meet your child's new teacher.  There will also be time after the meeting if you have any important information that you would like to share with us regarding your child.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

12 June 2015

Thank you!

The children and staff would like to say a huge 'Thank you' to the parents who came and helped with our clean up sessions today at school. The yard looks amazing! 

Mr Pilkington, Rose and Evie's Dad, deserves a special mention. He is one of our parent governors and not only did he organise the event, but he worked very hard all day long!

3 June 2015

10 Day Active Challenge - 8th to 19th June

You'll have received an email today about the 10 Day Active Challenge which starts next Monday. Safety is really important so here are some tips to help you along: 

13 May 2015

10 Day Active Travel Challenge

Keep your eyes peeled over the next coming weeks for details about the '10 Day Active Travel Challenge' which will be taking place after half term!

5 May 2015

Well done Lucy!

On Thursday Lucy donated her lovely long hair to raise money for the 'Little Princess Trust'. She came out in assembly on Friday to show us her fabulous new look and tell us all about her project. She had already raised over £400! We were all very proud of her.

Here are the amazing pictures.

If you would also like to make a donation, you can do so by clicking the link below.


24 April 2015

School Communication

From the 1st May school communication will come via Schoolcomms not Parentmail
 Schoolcomms will bring many benefits including an App for Smartphones called SchoolGateway 
Check your emails for more information about the benefits of Schoolcomms, how it will save the school money and how to download the App...be ready for 1st May

25 March 2015

Easter Fun!

We had our Easter Bonnet Parade outside in beautiful sunshine. A huge amount of effort must have gone in to produce such wonderful headgear! Thank you to all the parents and carers who donated cakes and buns for FOBBINS to sell and thank you to all of you who came to school to enjoy the fun.

14 March 2015

Comic Relief

We had a funny day in school on Friday with lots of funny faces! Our children, staff and parents were very generous with their donations and we managed to raise an amazing £462.11. Thank you.

Here are some funny faces from Turquoise Class.

5 March 2015

Guess Who?

To celebrate 'World Book Day' everyone in school has dressed up as their favourite book characters. Can you guess who these members of staff are?

We had a special assembly where all the children did a fashion show to share their super outfits and the 'Beighton Bees' announced the prize winners of our book review competition.

4 March 2015

World Book Day!

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March. Children have been busy writing book reviews that will be entered into a competition and judged by the 'Beighton Bees'. There will be a prize for every class. Everyone (including the staff!) will be dressing up as their favourite book characters and there will be lots of reading activities going on throughout the day. 

Check back here soon to see some photographs from the day.

5 February 2015

Don't Forget...

School is closed to children on Friday 13th February as there is a Westfield Family INSET day for staff. Have a great half term break and we'll see you on Monday 23rd February.

3 February 2015

Year 2 Trip

The Y2 children had a fabulous trip to Cadbury World in Birmingham yesterday. They got to see how chocolate was made and try lots of free samples! They were even kind enough to bring some back for the staff. Yummy!