25 March 2015

Easter Fun!

We had our Easter Bonnet Parade outside in beautiful sunshine. A huge amount of effort must have gone in to produce such wonderful headgear! Thank you to all the parents and carers who donated cakes and buns for FOBBINS to sell and thank you to all of you who came to school to enjoy the fun.

14 March 2015

Comic Relief

We had a funny day in school on Friday with lots of funny faces! Our children, staff and parents were very generous with their donations and we managed to raise an amazing £462.11. Thank you.

Here are some funny faces from Turquoise Class.

5 March 2015

Guess Who?

To celebrate 'World Book Day' everyone in school has dressed up as their favourite book characters. Can you guess who these members of staff are?

We had a special assembly where all the children did a fashion show to share their super outfits and the 'Beighton Bees' announced the prize winners of our book review competition.

4 March 2015

World Book Day!

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March. Children have been busy writing book reviews that will be entered into a competition and judged by the 'Beighton Bees'. There will be a prize for every class. Everyone (including the staff!) will be dressing up as their favourite book characters and there will be lots of reading activities going on throughout the day. 

Check back here soon to see some photographs from the day.