21 October 2015

Harvest Festival

To mark 'World Food Day' we celebrated Harvest Festival at school. The children, parents and staff all kindly donated produce that we have given to a local food bank who feed families in Sheffield.
Thank you so much for your generosity!!!

20 October 2015

Active Travel Challenge

A big thank you to all who took part in our 10 day active travel challenge.  We hope you had fun joining in with it! All children who took part will be getting their certificates soon. A prize will also be on its way to children who also managed to do it for the full 10 days. 

The Beighton Characters of Effective Learning

Over the last few weeks you may have noticed a few new characters popping up around school.

These are 'The Beighton Characters of Effective Learning'.

This half term we have been thinking about good learning behaviours and the characteristics we need to develop in order to become successful, independent learners at Beighton.

If your child comes home with one of the 'Effective Learning Character Stickers' ask them to tell you about the fantastic learning behaviour they demonstrated at school to achieve it!

Well done Phoebe for your super writing of the three Billy Goats Gruff story.