25 November 2015


In P.E we have been learning to move our bodies to music, following a beat and composing and performing a dance for our class! Here are some pictures and a video of our super dance moves!

19 November 2015

Kinetic Theatre

KS1 really enjoyed the performance of Bunsen Towers Mystery by the Kinetic Theatre on Tuesday. The show was very entertaining and funny and helped us to learn lots about solids, liquids and gases too. If you would like to share your favourite part, click on the post title to leave a comment! 

17 November 2015

Children In Need - Update

We have an update on Friday's total...

with additional donations that have 

arrived in school, the total now stands

at a fabulous £258.

Thank you

13 November 2015

Into the darkness!

This week we discovered a crashed space ship in our nursery yard! The children found a letter from the astronaut explaining what had happened and telling us all about his adventures in space. Following on from this we talked about how space is dark and explored darkness ourselves in the dark den. They enjoyed looking through a telescope and talking about what they could see in the sky. 

On Friday the children wore their Pudsey ears or made Pudsey ears of their own in Nursery. We baked Pudsey bear biscuits to take home. Yum! Yum!