16 December 2016

Musical Moments!

Wow! A huge well done to all the children that have taken part in our recent singing events at school. We had children singing Christmas songs at the Christmas Fayre and also Year 2 children singing Christmas songs at Crystal Peaks as part of our Family of Schools concert. 
All of the children worked so hard to learn all of the songs and showed great enthusiasm! 

Christmas Jumper Day!

Today we raised £109.74 for Save the Children ~ Thank you

Breakfast Club

Merry Christmas!!
From Breakfast Club x

9 December 2016

Foodbank Christmas Gift Appeal

Today at our Friday Celebration Assembly we collected your generous gifts for the Foodbank Christmas Appeal.

Here's the message that the Foodbank representative left with us after he collected the gifts:

On behalf of Foodbank a huge Thank You. These gifts will go to children and families who have very little or even nothing. You will make a lot of children very happy this Christmas and for that I sincerely thank you and your Mums and Dads.


7 December 2016

Responsible Dog Owners Poster Competition

Thank you to all the children who took part in the Family of Schools Responsible Dog Owners Poster Competition. The posters were all fantastic and I had a difficult time just choosing 5 entries.  However the 5 posters I did choose were by the following children:

Sofia Coulson
Zack Hollingsworth
Ava Jolliffe
Alice Foers
Evie Batty

Well Done!  The judges then had to choose the winning posters from all of the family of schools and I am so pleased to announce that the winning poster was the one designed by Evie Batty!  Here it is.

To view the other winning entries and to see the family of schools website please follow this link http://www.westfieldfamily.org/

18 November 2016

Children in Need

Here we are looking 'SPOTACULAR' in support of Children in Need.

Thank you to everyone for your kind donations. The biscuits, decorated by the Beighton Bees, were very popular too!
The total raised so far is a massive £435.96. Wow!

15 November 2016

Anti-Bullying Chemistry!

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and as this falls on the same week as our Science and Computing week we decided to kick it off in assembly with some Anti-Bullying Chemistry.

We thought about all the qualities that we need to be a 'Super Friend' and followed our recipe to create a 'Super Friend Solution'.

My scientist helpers carefully thought about why they were important qualities as we measured out the ingredients to add to our 'Super Friend Solution'.

Unfortunately we found some rotten ingredients such as pushing and shouting which we knew did not belong in our solution.

Well done scientists, we definitely know how to be a 'Super Friend' at Beighton!  

2 November 2016

Poster Competition

The Beighton Bees took the whole school assembly today to inform everyone about a poster competition we are holding over the next few weeks. The family of schools are focusing this year on cleaning up our local areas. As part of this focus, the Beighton Bees carried out a survey of dog dirt in our area.  We found quite a lot especially on the gennels of Sothall. To help remind the public about cleaning up their mess we are holding a poster competition to promote this with the aim of displaying our posters for all to see. 

We are asking children to make and design their posters at home and to bring them in by 14th November 2016 if you wish to take part. Please ensure full names and classes are included.  The best 5 posters will be chosen and sent along to be judged with the other schools in the local area, where a winner will be chosen. 

Good Luck! 

Mrs Challoner 

19 October 2016

Well Done!

A big well done to all who joined in with the 10 Day Active Travel Challenge! I collected all the wall charts in today and have been counting the results ready to send back to Kathryn.  I look forward to hearing about how well we have done at Beighton Nursery Infants!

Mrs Challoner 
(SMSC Coordinator) 

14 October 2016

School Council Conference - Beighton Bees

The Beighton Bees had a fantastic time at Rother Valley Country Park today attending the Family of Schools 'School Council Conference'.

They took part in lots of team building games with other School Councils and then had an adventure walk around Rother Valley.  

They are concerned about our local environment so on their way to Rother Valley the Beighton Bees conducted their own survey of dog mess in the local area. They will be sharing the results in an assembly after the holidays. 

Here's some of what the children said about today...
  • Louis - "I enjoyed collecting pine cones"
  • Lilli - "I liked playing the blindfold water game"
  • Olly - "My favourite bit was playing football blindfolded"
  • Liam - "I liked it when we all sat together and worked things out"

...and here are some photos...

12 October 2016

Circus performance

What a fantastic start to our morning today, watching the amazing Mr. Dan from Greentop performing for us.  All the children had so much fun and there was a lot of laughter.  Well done to the children who even made it to the lifestyle center at 8.15 and were able to walk to school with Mr. Dan. He also came to see us in our assembly where he performed a few more tricks and even got a few of the children to help him.  We managed to win this event because we were quick to sign up for the walk to school event.  I hope everyone is still managing to try and walk to school for the Active travel challenge! Here are a few photos from our fun filled morning. 

6 October 2016

Fun With Maths at Home

We are very excited to announce the start of our Numicon project in Reception this week. It was wonderful to see so many adults at the workshop. Remember you can still buy a Numicon set for £5.18 through our School Gateway app. Every Friday your child will come home with a new activity sheet to complete throughout the week.

4 October 2016

We are Children's University!

All the children are having so much fun collecting at our After School Clubs and CU registered activities in the community.
We are really looking forward to our first CU celebration for all the children who have achieved their bronze certificate!
Don't forget Learning Passports are available for £2 from the School Office.

Have a read about all the benefits of being part of Children's University.

10 day active travel challenge

Our school will be taking part in South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership’s 10 day Active Travel Challenge.  Due to the INSET days on Thursday 20th October and Friday 21st October, we will be starting our challenge a little earlier, on Thursday 6th October and finishing on Wednesday 19th October 2016. 

The challenge is for pupils & their families to choose an active way of getting to school over the 10 day period. There are prizes for individuals, classes and the whole school available - including you! So we need everyone to take part and make an effort to be active on their way to school during the challenge. The challenge is also open to school staff and we will be making every effort to take part.

Walking, cycling, skating, scooting and park & stride are all active ways of travelling and we hope by taking part in the challenge it will: 

o   Improve health & wellbeing of our pupils & their families
o   Encourage pupils and families to be more active
o   Reduce congestion and parking problems around our school
o   Promote active travel for the journey to school and for families to continue after the challenge!

During the challenge each classroom will have a wall chart on which pupils who have travelled actively will record their journey by adding a special sticker to the chart. Those pupils with 10 stickers on the chart at the end of the 10 day challenge will be awarded a prize.

Our school could also win some fantastic prizes like scooter storage or even a visit from a theatre company. We are competing against schools from across South Yorkshire so we really do need your help. Please do your best to be active on your journey to school and help us complete the challenge.

Because we were the first school to sign up we have also won a circus themed event that will take place on Wednesday 12th October. The circus performers from Green Top will meet families and show off their amazing circus skills.  The meeting place is at the Beighton Lifestyle centre, High Street, Beighton at 8.15am .At  around 8.30am we will all walk to school together. 

I hope as many of us can join in as possible! 
Mrs Challoner

23 September 2016

Today's 'Food Drive' - A HUGE Thank you

Today's Good Work Assembly also focused on the Family of Schools Food Drive. We were absolutely overwhelmed by your generosity and to quote the gentleman who collected your gifts '...it's the most we've ever had, it's incredible! Thank you'
Thank you also to our Beighton Bees who helped pack everything up for collection.

14 September 2016

Breakfast Club

'Study after study shows that children who eat breakfast function better. They do better in school, have better concentration and more energy.'
Come and see us at Breakfast Club. We've got a range of different breakfast options, activities to do and lots of new people to meet.

12 September 2016

Food Drive Day

Today in our assembly Reverend Sue from St. Marks church in Mosborough and Ryan from the Salvation Army,  came to talk to us about the local S20 Food Bank.  This year all the local schools in the area will be working together to support our local food bank. Each term we will be taking turns to host  a 'Food Drive' Day in which we will be asking for any voluntary donations to be collected.  Our date for this terms food drive day is Friday 23rd September. Please bring in any donations ready to send to the food bank.  This can include cereals, canned items like beans, tomatoes and other tinned vegetables, corned beef and other meats, pasta sauces, biscuits, tea, coffee, sugar, squash, basic toiletries, nappies, wipes, wash powder and even bags for life. 
Thankyou for your support 
Mrs Challoner 

8 September 2016

Children's University

We are excited to announce that Beighton Nursery Infant School is now part of Sheffield's Children's University (CU).

We recognise how valuable extra-curricular learning is for our children and so with the help of Children's University we will be celebrating and rewarding children for their commitment and participation in learning opportunities outside school hours such as lunchtime clubs, after school clubs and weekend clubs.

Children will earn a credit for each hour they spend in a lunchtime, after school club or CU recognised activity in the community and receive rewards and certificates as they build up their credits.  These award ceremonies will take place at school, the Town Hall and at the Universities in Sheffield.

As a fun incentive for the children they are able to collect the special credits in their very own 'Passport to Learning'These are available for £2 from our School Office.

For more information on this, please select the 
'Our Learning' tab above, and 'Children's University'.

24 June 2016

Science and Computing Museum!

We have had a fantastic afternoon at our Science and Computing Museum! We have loved being able to share our learning from this week with all of the other classes and see what everyone else has been up to. We got to try out some experiments, taste some healthy smoothies, program beebots and learn about online safety.

8 June 2016

10 Day Active Travel Challenge

We had a special visitor come to speak to us today in assembly.  Kathryn Harrison from Sheffield City Council came to speak to the children about the Active Travel Challenge. She explained the benefits of walking to school and coming in lots of active ways for example running, skipping or even on bikes and scooters.  The challenge begins next week on Monday 13th June until Friday 24th June.  To ensure more children can take part we will allow children to "park and stride". If you park in a zone away from the school and still ensure you do some element of active travel this does count towards the challenge. Children will receive a sticker for coming in an active way and at the end of the challenge the totals will be added up and sent off to Kathryn.  If anyone gets 10 stickers they get a small prize.  And as a school if we get enough children coming in an active way there are whole school prizes to be won too. Good luck everyone! 

Breakfast Club

Honey, Oliver, Evie, Ruby and Archie think breakfast club is fun! Honey's favourite part is the food. She says, " It is good!"

18 May 2016

Design and Technology

Well what a fantastic six weeks it has been! Design and Technology after school club have been very busy learning lots of new skills, making their bags and cushions! 

 All of the children tried their very best to sew, stick, cut and draw. Well done everyone, Miss Pritchard and Mrs Saxby are proud! 

4 May 2016

Sneak Preview - Design Technology after school club

Here is a sneak preview of what the children are creating in 'Design and Technology' club. 

All of the children are having lots of fun creating keepsakes for themselves, as well as learning lots of invaluable skills. 

28 April 2016

Network games at The English Institute of Sport

On Tuesday the 26th April a mixture of our finest sports superstars and hardworking children went to the English Institute of Sport to compete in the Network Games 2016. 

12 schools were competing in the event and the children had to take part in 12 different events including running around a full size Olympic race track! 

Other events included throwing and aiming, relays, ball skill events and even long jump! Out of all 12 schools we were delighted to receive 2nd place. 

The children did amazingly well and we are extremely proud of them.

27 April 2016

The Bad Tempered Ladybird

Today in assembly we have been thinking about how to manage our feelings. Sometimes we all get very angry but it is very important to learn ways to calm down and make ourselves and other people happy again. We helped the bad tempered ladybird calm down and stop feeling so angry. Below are the ideas that we came up with in assembly to help us manage our feelings.

Can you think of any other ways to manage our feelings? 

26 April 2016

Athletics Competition at Ponds Forge

Last week on the back of previous success, our Athletics Team travelled to Ponds Forge for another Athletics competition. The children had to compete in various track and field events including relay teams and long jump.

The children finished 2nd overall and Mrs Howard was very proud of their effort and teamwork throughout the event.

Thank you to all who volunteered to support the children in this event.

7 April 2016

Easter Church Service

Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed visiting St. Mary's Church at the end of last term for an Easter Service. The priest Mike Healey talked to the children about the significance of Easter and the children read Easter prayers. Some Y2 children also read Easter acrostic poems that they had written in class. Everyone loved singing and performing actions to the Easter songs. Well done!


17 March 2016

Happy Easter!

Thank you to FOBBINS for organising a wonderful Easter Bonnet Parade this year. The creations were quite wonderful! There was a great turn out from parents and all the children had worked really hard on their bonnets. We ended with a 'Spring Chicken' sing song.
Happy Easter everyone!

Here are some of our Easter Bonnet winners.

7 March 2016

Beighton Magpies

Well done to the children who play for Beighton Magpies who won their cup final at the weekend. Everyone played extremely well and worked hard as a team.