25 February 2016

Fairtrade Bake Sale

I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents who baked buns, scones and cakes to sell at Crystal Peaks for the fair trade bake sale.  They went down a treat with the customers.  Our two Beighton Bees, Lily Platts and Angelo Puchi worked very hard selling the products and they did our school very proud! Well done you two. 

We also saw Mr. Ford who came and bought a bun.

17 February 2016

Celebration Awards

Today we had a special winners assembly in school to see which children had been nominated for an award by their class teachers for the Westfield Family Of Schools Awards Ceremony. The children nominated and who won the categories are named below.  A big well done to these children and also to the other children who were nominated for these categories. It's lovely to hear all of the wonderful things that their teachers said about them.
Mrs Challoner and Mrs Hackett

Friendship Award - Brooke Furniss
Eco Award - Poppy Hudson
Positive Contribution Award - Honey Wentworth
Most Improved Pupil Award- Tommy Saxton
Attitude to Learning Award - Mia Fields
Talent Award- Toby Herriot

5 February 2016

Fairtrade Day

Cake Anyone?

On Thursday 25th February we will be joining the other schools within the Westfield Family of Schools for a cake sale at Crystal Peaks. 
All items sold will be made with Fair Trade produce and we are hoping there may be some budding bakers among you, as donations will be gratefully received!
The money we raise from the sale will be used to fund activities within the family of schools. The cake sale starts at 10.00am and ends at 2.00pm and the stall will be in the area at the top of the escalators. Two children from our school have been chosen to run the stall between 11 and 11.45am.
We will be also learning about and participating in, activities and discussions about Fair Trade in school. If you have any food packaging that has the Fair Trade logo on it we would be very grateful if you would send it into school.

Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the Cake Sale.