28 April 2016

Network games at The English Institute of Sport

On Tuesday the 26th April a mixture of our finest sports superstars and hardworking children went to the English Institute of Sport to compete in the Network Games 2016. 

12 schools were competing in the event and the children had to take part in 12 different events including running around a full size Olympic race track! 

Other events included throwing and aiming, relays, ball skill events and even long jump! Out of all 12 schools we were delighted to receive 2nd place. 

The children did amazingly well and we are extremely proud of them.

27 April 2016

The Bad Tempered Ladybird

Today in assembly we have been thinking about how to manage our feelings. Sometimes we all get very angry but it is very important to learn ways to calm down and make ourselves and other people happy again. We helped the bad tempered ladybird calm down and stop feeling so angry. Below are the ideas that we came up with in assembly to help us manage our feelings.

Can you think of any other ways to manage our feelings? 

26 April 2016

Athletics Competition at Ponds Forge

Last week on the back of previous success, our Athletics Team travelled to Ponds Forge for another Athletics competition. The children had to compete in various track and field events including relay teams and long jump.

The children finished 2nd overall and Mrs Howard was very proud of their effort and teamwork throughout the event.

Thank you to all who volunteered to support the children in this event.

7 April 2016

Easter Church Service

Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed visiting St. Mary's Church at the end of last term for an Easter Service. The priest Mike Healey talked to the children about the significance of Easter and the children read Easter prayers. Some Y2 children also read Easter acrostic poems that they had written in class. Everyone loved singing and performing actions to the Easter songs. Well done!