18 November 2016

Children in Need

Here we are looking 'SPOTACULAR' in support of Children in Need.

Thank you to everyone for your kind donations. The biscuits, decorated by the Beighton Bees, were very popular too!
The total raised so far is a massive £435.96. Wow!

15 November 2016

Anti-Bullying Chemistry!

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and as this falls on the same week as our Science and Computing week we decided to kick it off in assembly with some Anti-Bullying Chemistry.

We thought about all the qualities that we need to be a 'Super Friend' and followed our recipe to create a 'Super Friend Solution'.

My scientist helpers carefully thought about why they were important qualities as we measured out the ingredients to add to our 'Super Friend Solution'.

Unfortunately we found some rotten ingredients such as pushing and shouting which we knew did not belong in our solution.

Well done scientists, we definitely know how to be a 'Super Friend' at Beighton!  

2 November 2016

Poster Competition

The Beighton Bees took the whole school assembly today to inform everyone about a poster competition we are holding over the next few weeks. The family of schools are focusing this year on cleaning up our local areas. As part of this focus, the Beighton Bees carried out a survey of dog dirt in our area.  We found quite a lot especially on the gennels of Sothall. To help remind the public about cleaning up their mess we are holding a poster competition to promote this with the aim of displaying our posters for all to see. 

We are asking children to make and design their posters at home and to bring them in by 14th November 2016 if you wish to take part. Please ensure full names and classes are included.  The best 5 posters will be chosen and sent along to be judged with the other schools in the local area, where a winner will be chosen. 

Good Luck! 

Mrs Challoner