16 December 2016

Musical Moments!

Wow! A huge well done to all the children that have taken part in our recent singing events at school. We had children singing Christmas songs at the Christmas Fayre and also Year 2 children singing Christmas songs at Crystal Peaks as part of our Family of Schools concert. 
All of the children worked so hard to learn all of the songs and showed great enthusiasm! 

Christmas Jumper Day!

Today we raised £109.74 for Save the Children ~ Thank you

Breakfast Club

Merry Christmas!!
From Breakfast Club x

9 December 2016

Foodbank Christmas Gift Appeal

Today at our Friday Celebration Assembly we collected your generous gifts for the Foodbank Christmas Appeal.

Here's the message that the Foodbank representative left with us after he collected the gifts:

On behalf of Foodbank a huge Thank You. These gifts will go to children and families who have very little or even nothing. You will make a lot of children very happy this Christmas and for that I sincerely thank you and your Mums and Dads.


7 December 2016

Responsible Dog Owners Poster Competition

Thank you to all the children who took part in the Family of Schools Responsible Dog Owners Poster Competition. The posters were all fantastic and I had a difficult time just choosing 5 entries.  However the 5 posters I did choose were by the following children:

Sofia Coulson
Zack Hollingsworth
Ava Jolliffe
Alice Foers
Evie Batty

Well Done!  The judges then had to choose the winning posters from all of the family of schools and I am so pleased to announce that the winning poster was the one designed by Evie Batty!  Here it is.

To view the other winning entries and to see the family of schools website please follow this link http://www.westfieldfamily.org/