20 January 2017

Food Drive

We've been overwhelmed by your generosity again!

Today's Food Drive was a huge success so on behalf of the S20 Food Bank, a big 'thank you' to all of you who were able to contribute.

Mrs Clark helped the Beighton Bees pack the donations for collection.

18 January 2017

Family of Schools Food Drive

Dear Parent/Carer
Back in September we supported The Family of Schools ‘Food Drive’ initiative which aims to help disadvantaged children and their families in the S20 area by working with the S20 Food Bank.
The second of the three ‘Food Dives’ this school year is on  20th January, the last one being on 12th May.
The Food Bank has provided us with a ‘shopping list’ of donations which I’ve included below with more information about volunteering etc if you are interested.
Thank you in advance for your kind donation.
Mrs Challoner
SMSC Co-ordinator

Family of Schools Communication Consultation

It is now 2 years since our last Family of Schools Communication Consultation. This is an online consultation where we collect the views of families across our 10 schools:- Westfield, Mosborough Primary, Halfway Juniors, Halfway Nursery Infants, Shortbrook Primary, Emmanuel Juniors, Waterthorpe Nursery Infants, Reignhead Primary, Beighton Nursery Infants and Brookhouse Juniors.
It is really important for us to find out how well you feel we communicate with you so please click on the link below to complete the short questionnaire.

The consultation will close on 3rd February to allow us to collate results and decide on what actions we need to take to improve.
Thank you