29 September 2017

This week's learning in Nursery

Isaac drew a picture of a boat and was trying really hard to write his name.

Clara was carefully following the patterns on the Gingerbread Man.

This week's learning

We have been speaking in full sentences to say what we like about Nursery and what we like to do at home. 

 We took turns to speak and listened to everyone in our group

PE Next Week

Next week our PE lesson will be on Monday instead of Tuesday as we have has to swap with another class. The week after it will be on Tuesday again.

Sharing Learning with Red Class

Today we paired up with Red Class to share our learning. We told them our Goldilocks story and they read their Billy Goats Gruff stories to us and showed us all of the amazing work in their topic books. Thank you Red Class.

Beanstalk Homework

Lots of children brought in beanstalks that they had made for their home learning today. Great timing as next week we start our Jack and the Beanstalk learning at school. What did you use to make your beanstalk? 

Another week of 100%

Well done on another week of 100% attendance Lilac Class! We need to work on our assembly cheer though... 

The Pied Piper

Next week we are going to start to learn about the Pied Piper. Can you find out who he is and what he has done?

Home Learning that made us go WOW!

This week in Turquoise Class, we have worked in groups to share our home learning and the end we voted for the home learning that we enjoyed seeing the most. Thank you to all the adults that have helped us this week!

The Butterfly Lion

We are reading The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpugo. So far in the story a little boy has ran away from school and met an old woman. He keeps seeing a butterfly lion on the hillside. In reading time, we predicted the next part of the story.

George- I think they will go to Africa and the butterfly lion will follow them.

Cayden- I think the lion will get in trouble.

Evie- I think the lion will leave them.

Ted- I think the lion will need help.

When we read the next chapter next week we will tell you what happens next in the story. We are enjoying reading this book and would like to meet a real butterfly lion.

27 September 2017

Teamwork Trolls

We were Teamwork Trolls and worked together to make a house using construction materials.


We had lots of fun during our first PE lesson yesterday. We found lots of different ways to move around the hall including running, hopping and crawling. Can you think of any other ways to move?

Don't forget to keep practising getting yourself changed.

26 September 2017

Shoe Boxes

Next week the Year 2 children will be making puppet theatres.

They will be using empty shoe boxes as their starting point so if you have any that you can spare, they will be gratefully recieved.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 2 Team

25 September 2017

Repeating Patterns

This week we are learning to make repeating patterns.

This is our girl, boy, girl, boy pattern.

We have also been making patterns with colours.

Can you make a repeating pattern with objects you find at home?
What would come next in this pattern?

22 September 2017

Jeans for Genes Day

Thank you for your support today - we raised over £270 for Jeans for Genes!

100% attendance

Last week Purple Class won the trophy for 100% attendance, that means everybody came to school every day. 

Lets try and win again by coming to school every day!

Jeans for Genes Day

We have loved raising money and awareness of Genetic Disorders UK by wearing our jeans to school today. Thank you for supporting such a good cause.

Jeans for Genes

We are wearing our jeans today on Jeans for Genes Day to raise money for Genetic Disorders UK. Thank you for all of your kind donations!

Jeans for Genes

We are wearing our jeans today on Jeans for Genes Day to raise money for Genetic Disorders UK. Thank you for all of your kind donations!

Super Story Telling

We were so impressed that you stood in front of the whole class to read us the story of the Three Little Pigs! Thank you. What is your favourite traditional tale?

21 September 2017

Numbers number numbers

We have been doing lots of different, fun activities to help us recognise and form our numbers! 

Investigating different leaves!

Red Class became scientists this week!
We went outside to identify the different kinds of trees, by looking at their leaves! 

Can you name any of the trees these leaves come from?

Our learning in Nursery

We have had such a lot of fun in Nursery. This half term we are learning about Traditional Tales and we are currently learning about 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have been joining in with repeated refrains, making a gingerbread man using playdough, painting pictures of characters from the story, decorating the gingerbread man using different materials, counting buttons on the gingerbread man and discussing what happens in the story. Here are a few photographs of what we have been doing so far... 


PE will take place every Monday so please ensure PE kit is in school every week, with everything named. 

Thank you


We have been developing our fine motor skills this week whilst practising our phonics sounds.

We have used the tweezers to place beads around the sound and then challenged our self to say the sound.

Can you tell your adults at home the sounds we have learnt in phonics?

Ordering by Size

In Maths this week, we have been ordering by size. 
Can you have a go at ordering objects by size at home?
You could bring a photo in to share with the class.

Teddy Bear's Picnic

We had such a lovely time at our Teddy Bear's Picnic. We ate the biscuits we had made and listened to some Traditional Tales. We then went on a hunt around the playground looking for the characters from our story. 

Can you remember which characters we saw?
What did you enjoy the most about our picnic?

20 September 2017

Ordering by Size

This week we are learning to order things by their size. We have practised with bears and bowls. What can you find to order at home?

Look at our trophy!

Well done for getting 100% attendance last week Lilac Class! Do you like our trophy?

19 September 2017


This week in music we have been learning to find the 'heartbeat' of the song. The children have loved finding different ways that they can tap the heartbeat.  Can you try this with your favourite songs at home?

15 September 2017

Teddy bears picnic

We have had a lovely week decorating biscuits for our teddy bears picnic. We went to the picnic area this morning, listened to a story and sung some songs!


Next week we are going to be learning about commands. In preparation for our learning can you find out...
What is a command?
When do we use commands?
Can you think of your own example?

Our Class Charter

This week in PSHE we have created our own class charter. We have all signed our charter but our favourite rule was to smile at each other every day!

Funny Faces

Have you seen the very strange faces at our windows....?? 

We had lots of fun recreating our own fruit and vegetable faces on Thursday! Come and have a look at our paintings on display or in our books in Open door.