24 March 2017

Raise a Laugh!

We had a very funny 'Raise a Laugh' Assembly today to support Red Nose Day.
Every child in school told a joke to their class and the winner from each class performed in our special assembly. Here are the winning jokes!

Jack Hawes- Blue Class- What do you call two robbers?
.....A pair of knickers!
Eva Rezaie- Red Class- Why can't you give Elsa a balloon?
......Because she will let it go!
Henry Pembroke- Lilac Class- What do you call a donkey with three legs?
....A Wonkey!
Ruby Veitch- Purple Class- Why does a giraffe have a long neck?
...Because it has really smelly feet!
Mia Allison- Pink Class- Why did Rudolph have a red nose?
....Because it was red nose day!
Harry Backhouse- Turquoise Class- What did one toilet roll say to the other toilet roll?
...People keep ripping me off!
Lucas Furniss- Green Class- How do you make a tissue dance?
...You put a little boogie in it!
Harley Penny- Yellow Class- What do you call James Bond in the bath?
...Bubble 07
Seb Oxley- Orange Class- What's invisible and smells of bananas?
...Monkey burps!

23 March 2017

George's First Adventure!

Last Friday George chose Francesca from Blue class to spend the week with.  

Francesca is a member of Children's University and was chosen by George due to being a fantastic role model in our football after school club.  

Francesca took part enthusiastically and listened very carefully to Mr. Rockett.

In assembly Francesca told all the children about the great time she had when George came to stay, they even went to the seaside together!

Which member of Children's University will George choose this week?

21 March 2017

Family Of Schools Annual Award Evening

We are very pleased to announce our winners for the upcoming Westfield Family of Schools Award Evening.  Each class teacher was asked to nominate children in their class for the following awards:

Most improved student
Attitude to learning
Positive contribution / Pupil voice
Schools Choice Award

One child from each category was then chosen as Beighton's own winner.  They have now been invited to attend the special ceremony where they will go head to head with pupils from the other schools in the same categories.  Whether they come home with first prize or not, we are still incredibly proud of them! 

Well done!!

13 March 2017

Culture Week

We had a lovely week last week for Culture Week. Year 1 and 2 started the week off by doing some traditional dancing which they then performed to Nursery and Reception. We then spent the week exploring our chosen places, thinking about culture, religion, language, similarities and differences and much more. We came back together on Friday to showcase what we had found out throughout the week. It was a lovely way to end the week and to celebrate our learning. Don't forget to come and look in the hall where our Culture Week work will be displayed. 

3 March 2017

World Book Day

Happy World Book Day!!

The children have had a fantastic day! Across the school, the children have been acting out, sharing their books, writing their own stories and creating different characters. We have had a wide range of interesting and exciting costumes so thank you again for supporting World Book Day and helping the children to dress up. During Open Door please have a look at some of the displays in the classrooms showing the learning from the day as well as in the Hall on the English display board. Don't forget to spend your World Book Day voucher before 26th March 2017!

2 March 2017