25 October 2017

Happy Holidays

Thank you for a great half term Lilac Class. You have worked super hard and learnt so much! 
I hope you have a lovely holiday and a good rest and I will see you in November when our new topic will be DINOSAURS!

Homework Bingo is in your book bags if you want to make a start on your dinosaurs learning.

Happy Holidays! Mrs Welbank


We have been exploring the texture and appearance of pumpkins. How did it feel? What could you see inside?


We really enjoyed our session with Roz from the music hub yesterday. We learnt to keep a rhythm and joined in with some songs. We changed the tempo or volume too. Roz will be back after the holidays to teach music on a Tuesday afternoon.

23 October 2017

Marvelous Maths

Over the last two weeks Blue Class have been learning to add and subtract; we have used counters, cubes and number squares to help us.

As you can see, we also did maths learning outside!

20 October 2017

Pyjama Drama

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit from Pyjama Drama. We acted out different Traditional Tales and played music to songs and rhymes. 

William was the wolf, blowing hard to blow down the little pig's straw house.

We all enjoyed using the musical instruments to tap out rhythms.


We have enjoyed directing the Beebots by sending them forward or backwards. We have loved to watch them move and follow the movements we programmed them to make. 

This week's learning

We have been looking closely at Autumnal items and using them within our provision.

We have been printing using leaves.

We went on an autumn walk around school.

We have been recognising numerals and counting the pine cones.

We have been using pine cones to create different patterns in the playdough

We have been using the sticks to make playdough hedgehogs

Fabulous forest schools!

We had a brilliant time in our new forest school area this afternoon! We loved exploring and as part of our topic we used natural materials to make characters or objects from Jack and the Beanstalk.

Maths of the Day!

Yellow class had a great time doing our maths of the day today. We were working out which numbers we could add together to make a total. Here are some pictures of our lesson. Can you try this at home?

19 October 2017

Wonderful Writing!

Red Class have been working super hard with their sentence writing this week. They have been learning how words combine to make sentences and using these skills to write setting descriptions. 

Comment with some super descriptive sentences about the big bad wolf. Don't forget to use capital letters, full stops and adjectives.  


For our maths learning this week we have been learning about 2D shapes. As well as learning their names and properties we have been hunting for shapes all around us too. Which shapes can you find at home? 

We have also been playing shape dominoes.

Forest School

We had our first visit to the new Forest School area yesterday. We used natural materials to make pictures, build dens, hunted for shapes and explored each of the separate areas too. At the end we had a circle time to talk about what we liked best. We made sure to talk in full sentences too.

Jack and the Beanstalk

We loved the performance of Jack and the Beanstalk, it was so funny! Who was your favourite character? 

Outdoor Classroom Day

Last Thursday we took our phonics learning outside as part of Outdoor Classroom Day. We loved practicing our sounds outside and writing them on the floor in chalk.


We have explored Diwali and thought how people celebrate this time of year. We looked at Rangoli patterns, sweets form India and tried on a beautiful sari. 

Can you remember how people celebrate Diwali? 


In assembly we have celebrated Diwali. We thought about how people celebrate this time of year. We looked at Rangoli patterns, sweets from India and tried on a beautiful sari. 

18 October 2017

Adding and Subtracting

This week, Green Class have been practising adding and taking away in lots of different ways.

Can you practise adding and taking away at home?